The ABC’s for Secured Lenders Dealing With a Defaulting Borrower

By Jeffery Johnson | July 22, 2016

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – Each day lenders are faced with borrowers who default under the terms of the lending relationship.  This article will address the various steps a secured lender should consider undertaking when its borrower is in default. Evaluate your Collateral. Evaluation of the collateral that is acting as security for the indebtedness is…

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Robert J. Palmer Nominated for the 7th Circuit Professionalism Award

By Robert Palmer | May 23, 2016

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – May Oberfell Lorber Partner, Robert J. Palmer, was recently nominated for the 7th Circuit Professionalism Award through the Robert A. Grant Inn of Court by Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David. Justice David noted that Bob has proven his reputation to be “stellar, forthright and impeccable”. May Oberfell Lorber is…

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Indiana Senate Approves Increase In Medical Malpractice Payment Cap

By D. Andrew Spalding | March 11, 2016

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – After multiple prior attempts, Indiana lawmakers may have finally reached a consensus to raise the total compensation cap under Indiana’s Medical Malpractice Act.  This is the first time the cap will be increased since 1999. The current law permits a total recovery of $1.25 million with a cap of $250,000.00…

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Recent Developments in Immigration Law

By Katlyn Foust Hunneshagen | January 25, 2016

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – In November 2014 President Barak Obama took bold action to seek immigration reform. Mr. Obama implemented a new program known as the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) and changed guidelines for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).   The changes to DAPA would allow,…

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FORBEARANCE AGREEEMENTS…When Litigation is not the Best Alternative

By Jeffery Johnson | February 16, 2015

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – The use of Forbearance Agreements in a loan workout situation has many benefits to both the Lender and the Borrower. What is a Forbearance Agreement: A Forbearance Agreement is a written agreement between the Lender and Borrower whereby the Lender agrees, for a specified period of time to forbear…

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Can An Insurer Be Liable For Bad Faith When There Was No Coverage Available Under The Policy?

By Georgianne Walker | November 4, 2014

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – An insurer denies a claim and the court agrees there is no coverage under the policy. Case closed. Or is it? Can the insured still pursue a tort claim for bad faith against the insurer? The Indiana Court of Appeals has held that an insured’s tort claim for bad…

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NDLS Students Argue Cases Before the Seventh Circuit

By Robert Palmer | August 25, 2014

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – Each year several third-year students on the NDLS Moot Court Board write briefs and conduct oral arguments in appointed cases before the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. The experience is made possible by the NDLS Seventh Circuit Practice Externship, in which the participants typically write…

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Indiana’s Troubling Firearm Laws as They Relate to Public Schools

By Jeffery Johnson | March 11, 2014

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – The current state of the law in Indiana with regard to possession of firearms in relation to our public schools would surprise many citizens and it is about to get even more troubling. Understandably and sensibly, currently, under Indiana law it is a Class D felony to possess a…

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EMBEZZLEMENT – Theft From Within Your Own Business. How To Detect And Protect Against This Crime

By Jeffery Johnson | January 27, 2013

South Bend / Mishawaka, IN – Unlike many crimes, embezzlement is difficult to uncover and its targets may be victimized over the course of several years without even knowing that they are victims.  And to make matters worse, embezzlement is most often committed by a friend, colleague or trusted employee of the victim. Losses associated with…

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